Archive for Month: February 2020
Rotator Cuff Tear Exercise with Justine
External Rotations with a band, are a great exercise to activate the Infraspinatus and Terres minor muscles. The external rotators of the Rotator Cuff muscle group. This exercise helps to strengthen the supporting structures of the shoulder joint. Start by using a light resistance band and increase as you progress. […]
Ankle Sprain Exercises with Mihai
Ankle stability and proprioception is a very important part of late-stage ankle rehabilitation. By challenging your ankle stability you are ensuring a much better recovery as well as preventing further ankle sprains which are common post-injury. This type of exercise is applicable to athletes but also those who work outdoors […]
Knee Osteoarthritis Exercises (OA) with Jessie
Sit to stands are a common exercise prescribed for people with knee osteoarthritis (OA). This exercise works to activate the quadriceps (front of thigh) and hamstrings (back of thigh) muscles to increase strength and improve quality of movement. For more information please follow the link:
Sports Strapping Practical Part 1 and 2
Our first taping course for 2020 is coming up on Part 1 Monday the 24th February 2020 5:30pm Part 2 Monday the 9th March 2020 5:30pm Venue @soulitudehealth This course ill takes you through the basic and Advances techniques for sports taping. Perfect for athletes, parents, coaches and anyone else […]
New 2020 Classes
We have introduced 2 new classes to our 2020 timetable. We now have a Functional Strength Class with Alex which focuses on: Functional strength class Functional movements & exercises Strength Balance Pre Operative lower limb surgeries Post Operative lower limb surgeries Sessions run and designed by a physiotherapist This class […]