Macksville Clinic - 2/12 Cooper St, Macksville, NSW, 2447 - Nambucca Heads Clinic - 20 Liston St, Nambucca Heads, NSW, 2448

Archive for Month: October 2023

Common Injuries for Cricket Players

Professional cricket players are prone to a range of injuries, given the physically demanding nature of the sport. Here are some of the most common injuries that require physiotherapy: Physiotherapists play a key role in helping athletes recover from these injuries through personalized treatment plans that include pain management strategies, […]

Concussions and Physiotherapy

The issue of concussions in sports, particularly within the Australian Football League (AFL), is a growing concern. Repeated concussions have been linked to severe long-term health problems such as cognitive impairment, mood disorders, memory loss, and conditions similar to Parkinson’s disease. Prominent AFL figures, including former players like John Platten, […]