Coronary heart disease is commonly seen when people age and is more common in males than in females. You are more likely to get this disease if you:
- Have smoked or had previously
- Have High blood pressure
- Have High cholesterol
- Have Diabetes
- Have a poor diet
- Lack of exercise
- Obesity
- Are older in age
- Are a male
- Have a family history of it
Have an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background.
Symptoms of coronary heart disease can be silent until angina or a heart attack occurs, and therefore many people do not realize they have coronary heart disease.
Through a large body of research, there is strong evidence that cardiac rehabilitation reduces hospital readmissions and death within the first year of a cardiac event in which it also:
- Speeds up recovery
- Reduces risk factors
- Improves fitness levels
- Reduces smoking
- Reduces further hospitalization or cardiac events
- Improves quality of life