Macksville Clinic - 2/12 Cooper St, Macksville, NSW, 2447 - Nambucca Heads Clinic - 20 Liston St, Nambucca Heads, NSW, 2448

Personal Training

At Soulitude we also offer personal training services in our facility at Macksville. Our Gym is Private and not open direct to the public which makes it perfect for anyone who is looking to make a fresh start, kick off old habits or really push the boundaries of your personal health journey.

Kirsty Shields

James Weimer

Hey everyone my name is James Weimer. I’m so happy to take on personal training at Soulitude Health. This position allows me to be able to pursue my passion in the health and fitness industry in the afternoons after my apprenticeship day job. I base my personal training on my own personality, experience and the knowledge I have gained through continuing professional development. I don’t pretend to be the stereotyped personal traininer where they act like the commando. I bring my own life experiences into consideration and work with each individual client to work out the best training plan for them. A good example is that I am an apprentice carpenter through the day so I understand there are days you are tired and not motivated and it’s human to feel like that after a long day of work but my goal is to give you the motivation that you need. My passion is helping people and I found that through exercising, heathy decision making and assisting people to achieve their goals. I’m going to bring a humble and natural feel to your personal training experience. I’m not going to act like the personal trainer I’m not ! So if you’re interested, I would love to help kick your life into a positive direction.

James Weimer Personal Trainer