Macksville Clinic - 2/12 Cooper St, Macksville, NSW, 2447 - Nambucca Heads Clinic - 20 Liston St, Nambucca Heads, NSW, 2448

Sports Strapping Practical Part 1 and 2

Our first taping course for 2020 is coming up on

Part 1 Monday the 24th February 2020 5:30pm

Part 2 Monday the 9th March 2020 5:30pm

Venue @soulitudehealth

This course ill takes you through the basic and Advances techniques for sports taping. Perfect for athletes, parents, coaches and anyone else with an interest in sports. The cost is $20 per part and will run for about 2 hours and we supply all the tape. For more info and to book your spot please call 65682185.